
Whisper of death


Whisper of death

Book 1 of ' Whisper ' series ~ <•> A second before he could pull the trigger, a sharp needle like thing was pushed violently in his neck, near the vitals. The shock knocked the gun out of his hold, as the pain hovered over his senses. Palming the injected area, he hissed, " What did you inject me? " " It's just propofol dude, it'll put you to a good sleep. " the sedative started working on his body, his knees buckled and he fell to the ground on his knees. Balancing himself on his hands, he struggled hard to keep himself awake, despite knowing the fact, that the war was already lost. From his half-numbed senses, he could make out that, the two cloaked figures were walking away from him. With the last ounce of energy left in his soul, he croaked out the words; the question, whose answer he's not able to find out, " Who are you? " eyelids getting heavier with each blink. " Karma " his momentarily closed eyes snapped open in shock. One of the figure had ignored him and marched out, but the other -smaller than the previous one in height- was standing still in it's tracks. Glancing at him over it's shoulder, for the last time, it followed the trails of it's partner. While the chain of slumber, dragged Vikram to the abyss of unconsciousness. <•>

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